COVID-19:  2020-2021 SAFETY PLAN


COVID-19:  2020-2021 SAFETY PLAN

LAST UPDATED:  August 10, 2020

  1. Overview
  2. Resource Links
  3. Situational Phases
  4. Traditional vs. Virtual Distance Learning Model
  5. Daily/Regular Procedures in School Buildings
  6. Back-to-School Events and Information
  7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Raymondville R-VII School District has taken steps to prepare for the health, wellness, and safety for students and staff in the 2020-21 school year.  Our plans will be a living document and will be updated with new information as it becomes available.  The most up-to-date guidelines and protocols will always be at (Raymondville School COVID-19 Information).  Decisions will be made in coordination with local, state, and federal guidelines. 

Our goal is to start school beginning on August 26.  However, as we move through the various PHASES in the plan (Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3), our daily and weekly schedules may have to be altered as more information becomes available to the district.  We are aware that some districts across the state have chosen not to start with a full five-day seated schedule and will continue to monitor the reasoning behind those decisions as we make adjustments to our plan.  

We will work to continue our consistent communication so we are partners together in this situation.   

  1. Raymondville Public Schools  COVID-19 Website
  2. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19 Website 

In order to better inform parents, students, and staff of the current situation of the district and how best to prepare for situations, the district will use three phases so that everyone can plan and prepare for what to expect.  Please note that the district could move quickly to Level 3 with little to no notice depending on the situation


What does this mean?  Here are a few highlights of green phase:

  1. School activities will be as normal as possible.
  2. Social distancing will be used when possible.
  3. Masks will only be required for identified personnel based on district procedures developed from CDC and health department guidance.
  4. Depending on the grade-level, masks will be encouraged but not required.  
  5. Visitors to buildings will be restricted.
  6. Hand washing/hand sanitizer will be available and frequently encouraged. 
  7. See Item #5 (Daily/Regular Procedures in School Buildings) for additional information.


What does this mean?  Here are a few highlights of yellow phase:

  1. Classes may take place online for one or more days due to the increase of verified cases.
  2. Restrictions on school activities may be in place.
  3. Capacity and attendance limits may be established for events and/or school activities.
  4. Masks may be required based on district procedures developed from CDC and health department guidance.  

5.   No visitors in buildings (includes parents/guardians)

6. Hand washing/hand sanitizer will be available and frequently encouraged.

7.  See Item #5 (Daily/Regular Procedures in School Buildings) for additional information.


What does this mean?  Here are a few highlights of red phase:

  1. Mandated by state agency or by current situation in District
  2. All classes are virtual and will follow the district’s Emergency Alternative Methods of Instruction plan.  
  3. Classwork done independently and at home.  
  4. School buildings will be closed to students.  Staff need to be prepared to work from school to administer online classes.
  5. Health screenings will occur prior to entering buildings.  
  6. Social distancing will be mandatory.
  7. All activities will be canceled or rescheduled
  8. A re-entry plan will be communicated as it is determined for students to safely return to school.
  9. Case managers will contact parents for additional details.  
  10. See Item #5 (Daily/Regular Procedures in School Buildings) for additional information.


  1. Students will attend, in person, for the entire academic school year. We recognize that children learn best when physically present in the classroom. Students attending in person will be able to participate in extracurricular activities as appropriate. Multiple safety procedures will be followed to ensure student and staff well-being. Please see all health/sanitization protocols. 


  1. The deadline for requesting the virtual distance model is Tuesday, August 18.  
  2. A fully online option will be available. Students who participate in virtual learning must have access to reliable internet connectivity and commit to this model for a full semester. To meet Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) attendance requirements, students will follow a schedule set by the school and will be required to participate in local and state assessments. This model will maintain high academic standards and will be held to the Raymondville School District grading policies. Extracurricular activities (i.e. basketball, volleyball, etc.) will not be available for students participating in this model.  
  3. All virtual distance learning model students will have to have internet access.  No paper copies will be sent home for students.  Schedules for elementary and secondary students are below.  Please note that all required assignments and/or tasks will have to be completed each day.  All students will have four (4) or more hours of online work each day to complete.  If a student does not complete their work or check in online for three (3) days, parents will be notified by phone call.  After seven (7) days, parents will be notified that if their child doesn’t continue to participate, they will be asked to come back to seated classes.  On day nine (9), an attendance letter will be sent.  On day 11 of no contact, a hotline call will be made.  
  4. Much of the elementary virtual model will be happening online at a specific time and will require students to login and participate with the class.  Students will be online with their virtual teacher and will work through virtual lessons.  Individualized schedules will be provided and followed.    
  5. The secondary 6-8 model will include their four core classes and elective classes.  Students will have daily online meetings with a teacher, and most of the work will happen on their own through posted lessons, videos, and other resources.  They will have to complete their core and elective assignments each day, which will keep them online for four to six hours each day.  Individualized schedules will be provided and followed.  
  6. Virtual distance learning model students who receive special services - special education, related services, 504 accommodations, or English as a Second Language supports - will want/need to have conversations with their educational team prior to the start of school to determine how the virtual distance learning model will be effective in meeting each student’s unique learning needs.


  1. Students will be separated on the bus where feasible, but social distancing cannot be guaranteed.
  2. Students will be encouraged to socially distance when loading and unloading a bus.
  3. Hand sanitizer will be available on all school buses. 
  4. Students will be encouraged to wear face masks while on the bus. 
  5. All bus drivers have been trained in COVID safety measures.
  6. All buses will be sanitized each day.
  7. Parents are encouraged to pick up/drop off their student if possible to decrease the number of students on the school bus.


  1. Students should not be dropped off earlier than necessary before their scheduled start time unless they have made arrangements with the building office.
  2. No students will be permitted to wait inside the building prior to 7:40 am (foyers and/or entryways).  All outside doors will remain locked until 7:40 am.
  3. No one will be permitted to access the buildings unless you have business that requires entry (office or nurse).
  4. Students will use hand sanitizer or hand washing upon arrival into classrooms.
  5. Common and large group areas will be restricted where feasible.
  6. Social distancing will be used where possible at buildings while students are waiting to report to classes or during transitions.  


  1. Elementary student pick-up will be car rider lane only or bus rider.  There will be no in-person parent pick-up to avoid parent gatherings in the school lobby or in front of school.
  2. Elementary bike riders and walkers will be dismissed when car riders and buses are gone.
  3. Hand washing/hand sanitizing will be available at dismissal.


  1. Breakfast and lunch may be in the classrooms.
  2. Social distancing will be encouraged and additional spaces will be available if needed and/or additional breakfast/lunch shifts may be scheduled.  
  3. Hand washing/hand sanitizer will be available before and after lunch.
  4. All condiments will be pre-packaged/pre-portioned when feasible.  
  5. All tables and benches will be sanitized in between each lunch shift.


  1. Multiple social distancing strategies will be implemented based on feasibility of the unique space and needs of each school.
  2. Students will be encouraged to maintain distance from each other in the school and taught appropriate hygiene/COVID practices.
  3. The district will still find ways for students to socialize with each other in an appropriate way so that we address both the health and social/emotional needs of students.
  4. Students will keep their own supplies for use in the classroom and will not be shared.
  5. Elementary students will be required to use a water bottle (screw top only). 
  6. There will be built in time during the day for frequent hand washing and sanitizing.
  7. Use of classroom areas will be adjusted for space and physical distancing.
  8. Appropriate measures will be taken for cleaning Chromebooks.
  9. Students and staff will be observed for illness prior to starting class or the school day.  Those experiencing symptoms will be referred to the nurse.
  10. Teachers will reinforce safe practices (handwashing, social distancing, proper use of masks, etc.).
  11. Elementary students will stay at the same desk throughout the day when feasible. 


  1. Students will be monitored while on playgrounds while still allowing interactions with each other.
  2. Handwashing/sanitizer will be available upon re-entry to the building.
  3. Frequently used playground hard surfaces will be cleaned routinely.


  1. Passing periods will be limited when feasible and students will be monitored while walking in hallways.
  2. Hand washing/hand sanitizer will be available.
  3. Masks are encouraged, but not required, while students are on the move.
  4. Elementary classes will practice social distancing during transitions when feasible.
  5. Students will report to classrooms, not congregating in hallways or common areas.


  1. Regular cleaning will occur with COVID and EPA approved products.  The cleaning and disinfecting will target frequently touched hard, non-porous surfaces, such as counters, tabletops, stair rails, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, drinking fountains, and any other surfaces that are visibly necessary.
  2. Hand sanitizer dispensers will be installed in every classroom and at most exterior doors.
  3. Students will be provided with best practices for hygiene during the school day and upon arriving at home.
  4. The district will use additional equipment and cleaning procedures across the district.  These may include fogging machines and other approved cleaning devices.   


  1. Nonessential visitors may be limited or restricted.  
  2. No lunch guests or volunteers.
  3. Screening procedures will be used for those entering buildings, which may include temperature screenings.
  4. Hand washing stations and hand sanitizer will be available.
  5. Masks are required by all visitors.
  6. Visitors can first contact the school/office to determine whether an onsite visit is necessary.
  7. Visitors should check in at the front office behind the secure glass window.
  8. If entrance is determined as essential, a designated space for meeting with visitor(s) will be determined for the individual building.
  9. Surfaces will be cleaned before and after the visit.
  10. In addition to these safety measures, school board policy KK will continue to be implemented.


  1. School Nurse Procedures will be provided to families. 
  2. School nurses will provide COVID safety training/materials to faculty and staff.  They will also work to educate students in various methods.
  3. If you have medication for your child, please schedule a time with the school nurse to drop it off.
  4. Staff will be expected to self-screen daily for COVID-19 symptoms.
  5. Parents and students are expected to self-screen at home prior to students entering the building.
  6. Students or staff demonstrating symptoms will be encouraged to see a physician.
  7. Prior to returning to school, students must consult with a school nurse or provide documentation from a physician or health department.  
  8. Procedures on how many days students must be quarantined will follow best practices (ex: CDC, MSBA, etc) and the guidance of our local health department.
  9. Temperature checks will be done for any student who enters the nurse’s office.  Random temperature checks may be conducted throughout the day.
  10. All persons must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer when entering/exiting the nurse's office.


  1. Use of personal masks on the Raymondville Campus by students is not required, but encouraged. 
  2. Masks will only be required for identified personnel based on district procedures developed from CDC and health department guidance.


  1. The district will follow the direction of the Texas County Health Department and communicate with the public based on recommendations and guidelines on who can be notified based on direct contact with others and facility exposure.
  2. For all COVID-19 exposure notifications, the district will only notify those who are deemed necessary to be notified by our local health department. We will not do district-wide notifications for positive cases unless a child or staff member needs to be notified of the potential exposure to that positive case.  The only exception to this procedure would be in the case of a community or school-wide event where contact tracing could not happen.  The district has a legal obligation not to violate HIPPA guidelines and rules, and will follow those rules and the guidance of our health department in all notifications. 
  3. Address possible student/adult exclusions using best practices: DHSS Exclusion Recommendations & DESE Procedures.
  4. Address the infected space using proven practices.
  5. Perform targeted cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched hard, non-porous surfaces, such as counters, appliance surfaces, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, drinking fountains, phones, technology, and any other surfaces that are visibly necessary.
  6. Inspect areas to determine readiness for re-entry into building and/or classroom or offices.
  7. Consult with the Texas County Health Department  prior to re-entry.


  1. Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA)/Missouri Department of Health Guidelines will be followed for student participation in activities/athletics.
  2. Raymondville will not allow middle to take all virtual classes and still maintain MSHSAA eligibility for athletics and activities.
  3. Students that choose the virtual option will only have access to those classes and activities that are available to all seated students.   


  1. Events will be limited and decisions on attendance, social distancing, and other safety procedures will be made on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Field trips will be limited and will only be considered if proper safety procedures and social distancing can occur. 


  1. Raymondville will adjust the attendance policies to better reflect the uncertainty of this year.  These policies will have to adhere to any requirements at the state level for various programs.
  2. Students and staff need to stay home when sick.


  1. The yearly information update will be in the open house packets for returning students for the 2020-2021 school year. It is critically important to complete the process for each student as this assists in planning for class sizes, teacher units, etc, and will ensure that we have the correct contact information as we know we will be communicating a lot with our families this year. Please complete this online as soon as possible to help with school year planning.  Watch your email for information once the system is live for a reminder of your login.  If you have questions about your login information, please contact your building office. 


  1. Registration will be open for new students for the 2020-2021 school year. It is critically important to complete the registration process for each student as this assists in planning for class sizes, teacher units, etc.  Please complete as soon as possible to help with school year planning. 


  1. Open House will be on August 18th and August 20th  from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The event will be modified as follows:
    • On August 18th from 5:30-6:30 we are inviting all families whose last name begins with letters A-L. 
    • On August 20th from 5:30-6:30 we are inviting families whose last name begins with M-Z.
  2. Masks are not required on the evening of Open House.  
  1. Should I register my student if I am not sure about the upcoming school year?
    • YES! In order for us to make decisions (class schedules, numbers, cohorts), all students must be registered for the 2020-2021 school year.
  2. Are there any changes to the school calendar or school day? 
    • No. We will follow the school board approved calendar for the academic school year. Additionally, school hours will remain the same.  School will begin on August 26. Start time is 8am. We will be dismissing at 3:40pm.   
  3. Does a student who is quarantined automatically go into the virtual learning program?
    • Students who are required to be quarantined, as advised by the local health department, will be contacted by a building administrator to discuss continued learning.  
  4. Do you plan to hold sporting events at the gym this fall?
    • We are planning on having sporting events and other events in the stadium and gym this fall.  Capacity of each complex will be considered and decisions may have to be made to limit spectators.  We hope this is not the case, but it will be a game by game decision.
  5. Will virtual students at all grades receive Chromebooks?
    • Yes, we will plan a time for students to pick up one if they do not have one.
  6. For students with special education services, will there be support available for virtual students?
    • Yes, you will receive services and that will be worked on through your child's case manager.
  7. What about new students signing up for virtual classes?
    • Students can sign up for virtual learning by submitting the application that has been provided to all parents at the time of online enrollment. 
  8. What will lunch look like at the schools? 
    • Additional tables and additional lunch blocks have been added to limit large gatherings. Classes will alternate eating in classrooms.  
  9. Will any changes be made to passing periods at the high school or middle school?
    • Students will stay in their homeroom and the teacher will move to them. 
  10. How will the schools ensure that all who are exposed are properly notified and quarantined?
    • We will work with the health department to notify all individuals exposed to be quarantined.  They will make the decision based on the facts of each different situation.
  11. If at any point the school is required to close for a period of time, will all teachers already have an online format prepared to transition to learning at home?
    • Yes, our staff are supposed to be prepared for us to move to virtual quickly if needed.  That is why we are using the Level system so people can know where we are and how to be prepared.
  12. What is the process to determine what Level is appropriate?
    • This is a decision made by our administration and health services team in conjunction with local health officials.  There are many factors that go into the decision, so we would review where we are at and then make a decision based on that information.  We do take into account the positive testing rate, number of students missing school, current hospital conditions, staff absence rate, and the current number and increase in active cases into our decisions.
  13. How will missed work be handled for those that miss class due to COVID?   What if a whole class is quarantined?
    • Students or groups who are required to be quarantined, as advised by the local health department, will be contacted by a building administrator to discuss continued learning.  
  14. Can students participate in afterschool clubs and activities if they take virtual?
    • Students enrolled in the virtual model will not be able to participate in extracurricular activities.  
  15. What is the plan for addressing special education students needs and accommodations before school starts?
    • The special services department will be making sure all families of students with special needs have plans in place before school starts.